Job security, pensions and better benefits are just of the few the reasons that workers join unions. Benefits are not gifts from our employers. Local 237 members enjoy benefits today because we have fought for them at the bargaining table – both in the last round of contract negotiations and in every contract preceding that.

That’s why union workers are much more likely to have health and pension benefits.

But we can never take our benefits for granted. Benefits are only one part of a contract that includes wages, sick and holiday pay, pensions, working conditions, hours and a host of benefits. Each contract item has an economic cost - and as the price of prescriptions and healthcare rise and as shakey financial markets lower the values of pension investments - we are increasingly under pressure to reduce and eliminate benefits. That’s why protecting member benefits is a top priority at the bargaining table and in the way that we carefully manage members’ funds.

Many members receive benefits and services through the Union's Welfare Benefits Fund and other affiliated union programs. The majority of members who work full time are covered for these and other benefits and services:

Health, Welfare and Pension Benefits

Go to the link under your employer to find out more about the benefits available to you. A description of each benefit can be found in your Benefit Description Handbook and, in some cases, in your job contracts. The 237 Welfare Fund administers the eligibility, enrollment, disability, optical and death benefits directly.

Legal Services Plan

Education Department

Social Services

Voting Privileges

Only union members can attend union meetings, vote on union contracts and vote on other important matters involving your work and the union.

Union Communications

You receive a monthly publication, Local 237 Newsline, which keeps you informed about union activities at the local, state and national levels. You also receive The Teamster magazine from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union.


Children of Local 237 members who are high school seniors have the opportunity to compete for scholarships offered by the International Union and the NYS AFL-CIO.

The deadline for applying to the James R. Hoffa Scholarship has been extended to April 14.

Teamster Privilege Benefits and Discounts

Health & Safety

Housing Assistance

Free CDL Classes

Get the Facts:  Stop the War on Public Employees!

Downtown Medical Office (Brooklyn) open to HIP enrollees

Recommended Private Legal Representation




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