It is truly impressive that NYC is getting back to normal. 80% of subways are now running, electricity is continuing to return and a majority of schools are opening tomorrow. Congrats and gratitude to all who have helped those endeavors.

That said,  continuing assistance is needed across NYC. There is still severe damage and need for your help in all five boroughs especially places like City Island, Red Hook, the Rockaways, Sea Gate and many parts of Staten Island. You can continue to find ways to help across NYC at

Here are a few quick updates. The main hub of support is at St Francis De Sales (129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd) where you can go anytime to help and be directed to additional sites. Another good site is the fire station at 59th & Arverne, Building 2 (ask for Bri or Andrew). Breezy Point - which still is in desperate need - has excessive traffic in and out, yet Far Rockaway seems to still warrant our attention so perhaps consider the latter.
Cleaning out debris and mud from resident's homes continues to be a top priority. If you are able, please wear old clothes and boots so that you can help clear out belongings. You will get dirty and will be provided with gloves and masks at St Francis. Please dress warm as you will be in basements and in deep water at times.

Additionally, drivers and volunteers are still needed to get food, water and supplies throughout the area.
Clothing is truly no longer needed due to the overwhelming generosity thus far.

Supplies Still Needed:
•    Toilet Paper/Paper Towels
•    Batteries (especially AAA and D)
•    Shovels, Brooms and Cleaning Products
•    Diapers (all sizes)
•    Newspapers (people are desperate to know what is going on)
•    Tampons
•    Blankets (it’s going to be getting colder)
•    Work Gloves
•    Dog Food

Additionally, if Rockaway if too difficult, specific help is needed in Red Hook. Please report to Red Hook Recovery -- 402 Van Brunt in Red Hook --- 10am - sunset.  Special Need: Physicians or medically trained people and organizers who can do a full day of work. Please ask for Carlos Menchaca.

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