
Apply to HHC Relief Fund

How to Apply for Hurricane Relief for HHC Employees

Yesterday, The Fund for HHC announced its campaign to raise money for employee Hurricane Relief. Through this campaign, The Fund will provide small, one-time monetary grants to assist HHC staff members who have been affected by the storm, and are suffering ongoing hardship.

As usual, HHC staff members are there for each other. We are pleased to report that we are already getting a strong response to our request. Donations are coming in steadily, from members of the HHC community as well as from friends and colleagues outside of HHC that want to help.

The following is the information we are requesting from those who need support. Please send it to us via email to fund@nychhc.org, by fax at 646-458-3890, or mail to The Fund for HHC, Attention: Hurricane Relief Fund, 346 Broadway, Suite 715W, New York, NY 10013.

Here's what we need:

• Title, first and last name

• Permanent address

• Current phone number

• Cell phone number

• HHC Facility and department where you are employed

• Address where you are presently living

• Number of family members in your household

• If awarded, where money should be sent

• Current need or particular hardship that you are enduring due to the hurricane (100 words or less)

And for those of you who would still like to make a financial contribution, please click on the Donate button at www.thefundforhhc.org to make a credit card donation. Checks should be made payable to "The Fund for HHC, Hurricane Relief" and mailed to The Fund for HHC, 346 Broadway, Suite 715, New York, New York, 10013.

Please note that material goods -- blankets, clothes, etc. -- should be donated to the Red Cross or other organizations that are set up to receive and process them.

Again, thank you for your concern for fellow HHC employees in need, and your cooperation at this difficult time. And to those who need our help, we are here for you.

Joe Schick
Executive Director
The Fund for HHC

Assistance for Local 237 Members

Super Storm Sandy-Relief Assistance

For our members, the following is a listing of relief assistance available to them in the aftermath of the Super Storm Sandy:

  • Teamsters Disaster Relief: Up to $500. The form is available from business agents, or can be downloaded here.  Call 202-624 8971.
  • Con Edison If you lost food and/or medicines because of the power outage, and you are a Con Ed customer, there is a program to reimburse up to $450. The claims form is available on-line at http://www.coned.com/customercentral/lawclaims.asp. You can reach them by phone at 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633).
  • FEMA: Must register with FEMA to start process for any federal benefits. 

Individual Assistance for losses not covered by insurance. Up to $31,900 in assistance for rental payments for temporary housing; home repairs and replacement and/or replacement of personal property. (It’s up to $31,900 but the average grant is $4,000 or so.) You must file insurance claims first, but you don’t have to wait for the claim to be settled. Call FEMA right after you call your insurance company. You can still get FEMA aid if the insurance settlement is not enough to cover needs.

Housing Assistance (to help identify available rental housing). See FEMA contact info below. To register:

Disaster Assistance Center (in person) located throughout city.
Call 1-800-621-3362 (24/7) or online: www.disasterassistance.gov

Legal Assistance. Some free legal assistance is available for dealing with insurance claims; landlord-tenant issues; consumer protection issues; and replacement of wills and other documents lost in storm.

  • Small Business Administration (SBA): Note: assistance is available to individuals as well as businesses through this program. Provides low interest loans. Interest rates range from 1.688 – 3.75%. Three types of programs:

Home Disaster Loans: Homeowners or renters to repair or replace disaster damaged real estate or personal property (including automobiles).

Business Physical Disaster Loans: Repair or replace disaster damaged property including real estate, inventories, supplies, machinery and equipment. Businesses of any size are eligible. Non-profits like churches and charities also eligible.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans: Working capital loans to help small businesses meet ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met because of disaster.

To register:

Apply through FEMA first and they will refer.
By phone: 800-659-2955
E-mail: disastercustomerservice@sba.gov
On-line: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/

  • Disaster Unemployment Assistance
    If you live in the five boroughs or Rockland, Nassau, Suffolk, or Westchester Counties and lost your job or income due to Sandy, you may qualify for Disaster Unemployment Assistance. You must file by December 3, 2012.

Call: 888-209-8124 (or if you are out of state: 877-358-5306).

Some circumstances:
Injured by disaster and can’t work.
Workplace was damaged, destroyed or you can’t get there because of disaster
Transportation is not available because of disaster
Former head of household died in disaster
Most of your income derives from areas affected by disaster and business has declined as a direct result of disaster

  • Chase Bank
    Chase Bank has a number of programs for members who have a mortgage through their bank, including a 90-day forgiveness period for mortgage payments, pre-storm evictions and renegotiating mortgage rates. Contact your Chase representative for more information. $500 grants are also available to eligible Chase card-holder members.
  • Miscellaneous Relief

    Insurance Deductibles: Directive to insurance companies to suspend deductibles for hurricane-related claims.

    Food Stamps: Extending the deadline for recertification. Call 1-888-NYS DOL (1-888-469-7365)

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Relief Fund for HHC workers

The Fund for HHC Launches Relief Fund for HHC Employees

Accepting Financial Donations at www.thefundforhhc.org

In the aftermath of the hurricane, HHC remains committed to protecting and preserving the health and well-being of all New Yorkers. We continue to stand strong and ready to serve those who need us.

But now, there is a powerful need within our own HHC family as well. Many HHC staff members have been hard hit by the storm, and are facing great hardship. Some are without adequate shelter, warm clothing, blankets, food, and potable water.

We have helped so many others in the past. This time, we need to help our own.

To help, The Fund for HHC will organize, coordinate, and manage a special Hurricane Relief Fund that will provide one-time monetary grants to assist HHC staff members that have suffered losses due to the storm. Financial contributions should be directed electronically to The Fund at www.thefundforhhc.org; checks should be made payable to "The Fund for HHC, Hurricane Relief" and can be mailed to The Fund for HHC, 346 Broadway, Suite 715, New York, New York, 10013.

Other facilities or groups within HHC that have considered organizing financial support at local or other levels should cease those efforts and immediately contact Joe Schick, Executive Director of The Fund for HHC, at 212-788-3330, so that all fundraising can be coordinated centrally and with greater efficiency. The Fund for HHC's funding structure will make it possible to accept secure financial donations for this effort, and will identify a plan for distribution of monies to those who need help.

Please note that material goods -- blankets, clothes, etc. -- should be donated to the Red Cross or other organizations that are set up to receive and process them.

Thank you for your concern for fellow HHC employees in need, and your cooperation at this difficult time.

Alan D. Aviles
HHC President

Joe Schick
The Fund for HHC, Executive Director

Volunteers needed in NYC

It is truly impressive that NYC is getting back to normal. 80% of subways are now running, electricity is continuing to return and a majority of schools are opening tomorrow. Congrats and gratitude to all who have helped those endeavors.

That said,  continuing assistance is needed across NYC. There is still severe damage and need for your help in all five boroughs especially places like City Island, Red Hook, the Rockaways, Sea Gate and many parts of Staten Island. You can continue to find ways to help across NYC at http://www.nycservice.org.

Here are a few quick updates. The main hub of support is at St Francis De Sales (129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd) where you can go anytime to help and be directed to additional sites. Another good site is the fire station at 59th & Arverne, Building 2 (ask for Bri or Andrew). Breezy Point - which still is in desperate need - has excessive traffic in and out, yet Far Rockaway seems to still warrant our attention so perhaps consider the latter.
Cleaning out debris and mud from resident's homes continues to be a top priority. If you are able, please wear old clothes and boots so that you can help clear out belongings. You will get dirty and will be provided with gloves and masks at St Francis. Please dress warm as you will be in basements and in deep water at times.

Additionally, drivers and volunteers are still needed to get food, water and supplies throughout the area.
Clothing is truly no longer needed due to the overwhelming generosity thus far.

Supplies Still Needed:
•    Toilet Paper/Paper Towels
•    Batteries (especially AAA and D)
•    Shovels, Brooms and Cleaning Products
•    Diapers (all sizes)
•    Newspapers (people are desperate to know what is going on)
•    Tampons
•    Blankets (it’s going to be getting colder)
•    Work Gloves
•    Dog Food

Additionally, if Rockaway if too difficult, specific help is needed in Red Hook. Please report to Red Hook Recovery -- 402 Van Brunt in Red Hook --- 10am - sunset.  Special Need: Physicians or medically trained people and organizers who can do a full day of work. Please ask for Carlos Menchaca.

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